Pocket scales - for work or pleasure


We know that for a jeweler it is very important to know the weight of jewelry. And the weight has to be know very accurately. Even a small error can mean a difference of significant amounts of money. But in our everyday lives we hardly seem to worry about the weight of things. True some of us would be conscious of our weight and so would check it every day with the help of a bathroom scale. But not much else.

But knowing the weight of things can actually be part of a nice hobby and it can help you lead a better life as well. Take for examples the helpings you usually take of various food items during a meal. It will take very little time for you to measure their weight at each meal. And in a few days you will have a fairly detailed idea of your food intake. You can know it in fair amount of detail such as amount of carbohydrates, cholesterol, fat, sodium, fiber, protein and calories. Once you become aware you will be able to put the knowledge to good use.


You will also find other uses for the scale like knowing how much a package you need to send by courier weighs. Or how much does each of your precious stones weighs. Of course precious stones need to be weighed to a very high degree of accuracy but your pocket scale will enable you to know their weights well enough for most purposes. And you will find many other uses that will occur to you once you have the scale with you.